FirefoxでTorを利用する際にDNS Leaksを防ぐ - epian-wiki

STR 1. in about:config, set network.dns.disablePrefetch to true (false = default) 2. visit some webpages A.R. those visits are not recorded in browsing history (history manager is blank, URL autocomplete doesn't know about those recent visits) The back button still works though. Jan 15, 2015 · network.dns.disableIPv6, true - Disable IPv6 DNS lookups. Disabling this (true) prevents the browser from searching for IPv6 DNS addresses, which speeds up your internet connection. network.dns.disablePrefetch, false - Prefetching of DNS (IP addresses, links, etc…) network.dnsCacheEntries, 10 - The number of DNS results to cache. I choose 10. May 08, 2020 · A DNS Resolver: Receives the request to resolve the domain name with the IP address. This server does the grunt work in figuring out where the site you want to go actually resides on the internet. A Root Server: The root server receives the first request, and returns a result to let the DNS resolver know what the address of the Top Level Domain Dec 06, 2013 · There is an art to explaining what others take for granted. Still I have one nagging question. In my IP phone configuration (not the router), I set the primary DNS server to my router address, the secondary to But it wants a “DNS Domain” described as “Enter the phone’s Domain Name System (DNS).”

I've found for Firefox that quitting and restarting works. The relevant settings in about:config are network.dnsCacheEntries and network.dnsCacheExpiration, which can be set to 0 in order to disable caching. Caching by local system is typically 1 hour. Diagnostic: ping, like other applications, uses local system DNS cache

Dec 06, 2013 · There is an art to explaining what others take for granted. Still I have one nagging question. In my IP phone configuration (not the router), I set the primary DNS server to my router address, the secondary to But it wants a “DNS Domain” described as “Enter the phone’s Domain Name System (DNS).”

Dec 06, 2013 · There is an art to explaining what others take for granted. Still I have one nagging question. In my IP phone configuration (not the router), I set the primary DNS server to my router address, the secondary to But it wants a “DNS Domain” described as “Enter the phone’s Domain Name System (DNS).”

18.04 - Internet is working, but Firefox 67 browser cannot Change proxy setting, in about:preferences Network Settings. I tried the options "no proxy", "Auto-detect proxy" and "Use system proxy" (the latter was the default). In about:config I set the "network.dns.disableIPv6" to TRUE; In about:config I set the "network.dns.disablePrefetch" to TRUE; The issue seems firefox-specific. Tuning Firefox Quantum