Jul 13, 2017 · Net Neutrality: Corporate Censorship Is State Censorship. Share on Facebook; Net neutrality is an obstacle for US oligarchs in that it hamstrings their ability to manipulate web traffic away from information which challenges their rule. By dismantling an independent internet, the ever-growing media conglomerates who provide internet

Net Neutrality supporters tell us to distrust the ISP's, who have, with no Net Neutrality rules in place, given us an Internet that is the closet thing in history to a censorship-free zone. Alternatively, they ask us to trust the FCC, which has been banning, bleeping, and blurring everything in sight ever since the 1930's. Censorship will become policy. Net Neutrality is too important to lose." Ready yourself for the inevitable results! According to Michael Hiltzik, Net neutrality is dead. Bow to Comcast and Verizon, your overlords. "In the U.S., there's no practical competition. The vast majority of households essentially have a single broadband option, their "Open internet" advocates fear an end to net neutrality will lead to censorship and increased costs for internet connectivity. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plans to vote on ending Jun 08, 2020 · Network Neutrality is a top-down, government-centric Internet policy – for which the Left has pushed for more than a decade. But for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) – Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, Charter, etc. And only ISPs. Not for Big Tech companies – Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc. Net Neutrality mandates ISPs deliver every bit of data they handle – neutrally. They can show no Net Neutrality and Internet Censorship are related issues having to do with organizations attempting to control internet traffic for a variety of reasons. There are many other large societal issues and dilemmas related to the Internet besides these that like: big data, surveillance, security and encryption. “If we don’t have net neutrality, the ISPs could slow people who are talking about, for example, going to a rally,” says Kate Forscey, associate counsel at Public Knowledge, a free speech May 29, 2020 · Total non-censorship is not possible, nor I believe, desirable. You can't yell "fire!" in a crowded building, and you can't masturbate on tv, etc ad infintuum.

Net Neutrality Debate: Amazon, Google & Big Tech

What is Net Neutrality? Net neutrality refers to the treatment by internet service providers (ISPs) of all content, from all sites and businesses, as equal. This means that a broadband provider cannot make services speeds faster for sites controlled by companies with whom they have business relationships, or slower for competitors or critics.

With net neutrality, ISPs recognized broadband as a type of utility, where internet data and all web traffic were treated equally. The 3-2 vote limits the authority of the FCC to regulate ISPS who,

Why Net neutrality is incompatible with 'Internet freedom Those opposing net neutrality fear that the greater threat to Internet freedom arises from giving the government the power -- or, more accurately, the government arrogating unto itself the power --